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Cléo's Collective
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- Projects & Events
- Projects & Events
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- Projects & Events

Cléo's Collective
- Projects & Events
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- Projects & Events

Welcome to Cléo's DIY Touring Resource Guide
(an in-progress catalogue of our music circles & beyond!)
ways to help
If you're a band/artist/booker/venue/resource and you'd like to be added, send an email to info@cleos.llc with your name, links, & details!
If you come across something outdated, like a moved/broken band or closed venue, please let us know!a word of caution
Although Cléo's Collective is committed to accessibility, anti-racism, and queer safety, I don't have the time, resources, or intent to personally vet everyone before adding them to this database - even if I tried, it wouldn't be foolproof. Please note that we don't necessarily endorse or vouch for all of these people or spaces. That said, if you have any concerns, please let me know, and I will make a note or remove them at my discretion.
other resources
DoDIY - highly recommended database with similar goals/values!
DIY Tour Postings - helpful Facebook Group
Reddit Post - "here's a guide for booking your first DIY tour"
Click on a state or region below to browse local artists/bands :)
Allwashington dccanadaoregoncaliforniaarizonaiowawisconsinalabamavirginiatennesseemarylandnorth carolinafloridaohiomichiganmassachusettsnew jerseynew hampshireconnecticutwashingtonillinoisindianakansasnew yorkpennsylvaniautahbipocmissouritexasqueerminnesotacoloradoJillian Lake | Vancouver, BCLoad More
Logo art by Leo Stokes
Website by Mia Stegner
Inquiries: info@
© 2024 Cléo's Collective
Cleo's Collective LLC.